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HERCULES' New DJControl Inpulse 500 is Perfect for Beginners and Veterans Alike

DJ controllers come in all shapes and sizes, and cater to many different skill levels. Navigating these various products with a multitude of knobs, faders, jogwheels, and buttons can get confusing and picking out the perfect DJ controller can be a challenge for any DJ, regardless of experience. Enter Hercules.

Conceived in the analog era, Hercules has been a standard in the music scene for over 30 years and has continued to innovate and improve their products for DJs, with a focus on beginners. Their latest product, the DJControl Inpulse 500 provides a fluid and enjoyable experience that works just as well for DJs on the first step of their journey as it does for those who have been rocking gigs for years.

The DJControl Inpulse 500 expands upon previous models, the 200 and 300. All of the Inpulse models cater to beginner DJs, with built-in features that help aspiring DJs move from the sync button to real-time beat matching. The Inpulse 500 retains those features, but boasts more compatibility that seeks to move users from bedroom to venue.

Built-in streaming compatibility comes at the perfect time, with many DJs shifting to the livestream format as venues and concert halls remain closed amid the pandemic. The Inpulse 500 comes standard with both Serato Pro compatibility and DJUCED, Hercules' own in-house mixing software, ensuring that users find the perfect fit for their mixing needs. Among the other features is compatibility with even more external sources via a dual RCA input or a 3.5mm stereo mini-jack as a backup or as an extra source of music, complete with an AUX filter for that input, which could be just as useful as a backup as it could for rocking a house party on the go. The Inpulse 500's retractable feet also protect the device against spills, which can be rampant at those very parties.

Streaming support via SoundCloud GO+ or TIDAL Serato integration guarantees that users can find the exact track that's perfect for their set at any time. MCs can also be included in any set with the Inpulse 500's micro input, which is fully equalizer-enabled and features its own VUmeter.

The Hercules DJControl Inpulse 500 is sleek and intuitive, making it easy to use and a great tool for perfecting the art of the DJ mix. It's also Hercules' largest DJ controller to date, with a professional, industry-quality look that sits nicely among virtually any other DJ controller in the business.

The Hercules DJControl Inpulse 500 releases on July 3rd, 2020. Pre-orders can be placed here.
