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Hercules Announces Entry-Level DJ Controller Aimed at Teaching People How to DJ

Want to learn how to DJ? Hercules has you covered

Today, DJ hardware manufacturer has announced a new line of entry-level controllers, the DJControl Inpulse 200 and DJControl Inpulse 300, built to help you learn how to DJ. The controllers contain new software that literally teaches you to mix, taking the guessing work out of learning your first controller. Often times, when a someone buys their first controller, they are left to their own devices, having to read the manual and figure it out on their own. Hercules decided that instead of frustration from lack of understanding get in the way of fun, they created their DJuiced software to teach you how and why to mix. On top of that, they've launched their new DJ academy, an even more in-depth resource designed to help take aspiring DJs to the next level. Check out the controllers below, as well as the intro video for the DJ Academy.